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Guided VisitsIn Other Words, Québec

Dessin dans les teintes de bleu d'un banc posé devant un lac où l'on voit au loin une chaîne de montagnes sous un ciel étoilée au couché du soleil
  • Date : Until May 23 2025
  • Rate :
  • Duration : 90 minutes
  • Location : Exhibition Hall In Others Word, Québec

Dive into Québec’s history and learn more about its inhabitants over a guided tour of the exhibition In Other Words, Québec.

Discover this great reference exhibition, accompanied by a guide, and find out more about the landmark events of Québec’s history and how it shaped its current society.

The guided tour includes a presentation of some of the 1,300 objects in the exhibition as well as immersive areas, videos and interactive components about many subjects including the connection with the territory, immigration, lifestyles, solidarity, social movements, feelings of belonging and current issues. It also allows visitors to become familiar with the intricacies of Québec’s evolution.

Capacity: Maximum of 60 people per visit.

The visit duration includes arrival and transportation (15 min.).